Using Strontium Isotopes to Track Animal Origin and Migration

The details of animal origin and migratory routes through terrestrial and aquatic systems can be traced through the analysis of various stable isotopes including strontium, neodymium, carbon and oxygen.

Tracing Petroleum and Other Pollutants Using Lead Isotopes

Lead isotopes (Pb) are known to be a very toxic non-essential element, with origins within the earth’s crust. Through anthropogenic activities, lead becomes altered and released into the atmosphere, where it acts as a trace aerosol pollutant.

ACRA Webinar on Bones: Isotopes in Dating, Diets and Migration Studies

Bones: Isotopes in Dating, Diets and Migration Studies
Live Webinar: April 14, 2022 – 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM Eastern Time

Isobar’s Webinar: Migration Studies & Geographic Origin

Isobar’s webinar on migration studies and geographic origin will focus on lead isotopes for tracking origin and trade of metal artifacts in addition to using strontium isotopes to track diet.

Lead Isotopes in Archaeology

In archaeological studies, lead isotopes are measured for two main applications: tracing origin of metal artefacts and reconstructing human origin and migratory patterns.

Strontium Isotopes (87Sr/86Sr) for Geochronology

Strontium ratios have varied in the world’s oceans through time as a result of fluctuations in strontium type and availability, often resulting from weathering of continental materials as well as volcanic activity at the mid-oceanic ridge. Such variations are recorded in oceanic sediment as a result of the precipitation of minerals from seawater, which has been used as a basis for the 87Sr/86Sr marine curve.

How to choose optimal samples for U-Th dating

U-Th dating can be used to date various sample types including cave deposits/speleothems, corals, shells, bones and carbonate layers in sedimentary successions.

Bones Webinar: Isotopes in Dating, Diets and Migration Studies

Isobar Science and Beta Analytic’s bones webinar focuses on C-14 and U-Th methods for bone samples. Topics include optimal sample types, common issues, and how to prepare bone samples for isotopic analysis.

Geochemistry: Stable and Radioactive Isotopes

In geochemical research, stable and unstable isotopes are used to understand the chemistry behind natural processes. Isotopes are different forms of a single element, with differing numbers of neutrons within their nucleus, resulting in different atomic masses.

The use of isotopic analysis on bones: dating, environmental analysis & migration

Different isotopes on bone samples may be measured, depending on the scope of the research, and which questions the researcher is seeking to answer.