Isotope Fingerprinting in Geochemical Research: Tracing Materials Across Time and Space

In the world of geochemistry, isotope fingerprinting has emerged as a powerful tool for tracing the origins and movements of materials through time and space. By analyzing a substances’ particular isotopic signature for elements like lead (Pb) and/or strontium (Sr), researchers can unlock valuable insights into geological, environmental, and archaeological processes.

Water: Dating & Isotopic Analyses

Water’s continuous movement and flow of water across landscapes contribute
to and provide important clues into the intricacies of biogeochemical cycles
at various spatial and temporal scales.

Limestone: Dating & Isotopic Analyses

Limestone is a granular sedimentary rock predominantly composed of
calcium carbonate (CaCO3), which commonly forms along shallow ocean
water beds from fossilized shells and exoskeletons of marine organisms.

Tracing Volcanic Eruptions using Strontium Isotopes

Volcanic eruptions are significant geological events with far reaching implications. The analysis of isotopes in various sample types can provide information on the timing and magnitude of past volcanic eruptions.

Mineral Dust Samples: Analysing Strontium (Sr), Strontium-Neodymium-Hafnium (Sr-Nd-Hf) and Lead (Pb) Isotopes

The origin and movement of atmospheric dust can be estimated by analysing the geochemistry of dust collected directly from the atmosphere or from the dust layers found within ice cores or lacustrine and ocean sediment cores.

Shells, corals and other carbonates

Shells, corals and other carbonates are widely used in order to assess variability in climate and environmental conditions in time. A variety of stable and radioactive isotopes can be used to date these samples and provide further information on environmental context during their lifespan.

Isobar’s Webinar: Application of Sr-Nd-Hf-Pb Isotope Systematics in Earth Science

View our on-demand webinar “Geochemical Fingerprinting: Application of Sr-Nd-Hf-Pb Isotope Systematics in Earth Science.” Topics include: how different processes control the distribution of elements in the earth system; measuring Sr, Nd, Hf, and Pb and reporting conventions; application of Sr-Nd-Hf-Pb systematics in studying the governing processes in the earth system; research design and sampling strategies; and what to expect from your lab when measuring Sr-Nd-Hf-Pb isotopes.

Strontium, Neodymium, Hafnium, and Lead Isotope Systematics in Earth Science

Sr, Nd, Hf and Pb are four isotopes that are inherent in many geological settings, and thus have been used to trace the evolution of metamorphic and igneous rocks, track the origin of sediments and dust, analyze weathering regimes and reconstruct past ocean circulation.

Sr-Nd Isotopes for Weathering Studies

Continental weathering is an important part of the global carbon cycle. The measurements of strontium and neodymium isotopes have been especially important in this research domain.

Isobar’s Lead Isotopes Webinar

Register here to view Isobar Science’s free webinar on Lead Isotopes and Applications.
Live Webinar: March 24, 2021
Speakers: Dr. Maren Pauly and Dr. Arash Sharifi