U-Th Dating vs Radiocarbon Dating

The analysis of the uranium-thorium (U-Th) decay chain can be used to date a variety of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) bearing samples, including cave deposits (e.g. speleothems), calcium carbonate rock, corals, shells and (in some cases) bones. This method can be used to date samples existing from present day until 500,000 calendar years before present.

Isobar’s Geochemistry of Strontium Isotopes Webinar

Register here to view Isobar Science’s free webinar on Strontium Isotopes available on demand.
Live Webinar: February 17, 2021
Speaker: Dr. Arash Sharifi, VP of Lab Operations at Isobar Science

Isobar’s U-Th Dating Webinar

Register to watch Isobar’s U-Th Dating Webinar on-demand.
Live Webinar: January 27, 2021
Speaker: Dr. Maren Pauly, Beta Analytic and Isobar Science Account Manager