Isotope Fingerprinting in Geochemical Research: Tracing Materials Across Time and Space

In the world of geochemistry, isotope fingerprinting has emerged as a powerful tool for tracing the origins and movements of materials through time and space. By analyzing a substances’ particular isotopic signature for elements like lead (Pb) and/or strontium (Sr), researchers can unlock valuable insights into geological, environmental, and archaeological processes.

Gypsum: Isotopes & Dating

Gypsum is a relatively soft and common mineral made up of hydrous
calcium sulfate (CaSO4-2H2O). Whilst pure gypsum crystals are transparent
(often with a pearly or vitreous luster), they can appear opaque and colored
due to the inclusion of other materials (e.g. sand).

Strontium dating of foraminifera, shells & corals

Strontium dating (as enabled by the 87Sr/86Sr ratio of marine carbonates) can be used to date various marine samples based on the premise that the mixing of oceanic strontium occurs relatively rapidly through time compared to the residence time of oceanic strontium.

Isotopic Analysis of Pottery & Food Residues

Archaeological pottery samples can be provenanced through the analysis of the origin of its component clay and temper.

Quality Considerations for Bone Samples

Bones and teeth are relatively common within the archaeological and paleontological record due to the tendency for high preservation after burial.

NEW Strontium Chronology Service Available

Isobar Science is now offering a Strontium Chronology Service for dating marine carbonate samples. Strontium Isotope Ratios (87Sr/86Sr) within the ocean have varied through time, creating a predictable seawater curve that can be used for dating calibration.

Best Practices When Selecting Bone Samples

Bones and teeth can be used for a variety of different isotopic analyses, including Oxygen, Strontium, Lead, Neodymium, Carbon, Nitrogen and dating (radiocarbon and in some cases Uranium-Thorium). There are important requirements for bone samples to ensure they produce accurate results.

Identifying Origin and Trade of Textiles using Strontium Isotopes

Archaeological textiles can provide important evidence of social traditions and status, the economics of textile exchange, and evolving weaving technologies.

Discovering the source of Metal Artifacts using Lead Isotopes

Lead (Pb) has four stable isotopes (204Pb, 206Pb, 207Pb and 208Pb) which are commonly used in archaeological studies, particularly in the case of connecting metal artifacts to their relevant geological or mine sources.

Cave Deposits: Chronology Development & Environmental Reconstruction

Caves are natural intact cavities found in many different landscapes which have been accessible to humans and animals for millions of years.